Are You Looking For Jesus or The Anti-Christ?

The Lord's return is revealed in the Bible for all who wants to see it. The trouble is that most people don't want to see, hear or even think about it. Sad to say, most so-called Christians don't want to think about it either. They love this world and the worldly lives they live. They don't love Jesus enough to watch for His return as He told us. Most pastors don't even preach about it. Why? Perhaps they love this world also. This is the Laodicean church age who's into the "name it, claim it"; "blab it, grab it" prosperity gospel.

Revelation 3:17 [Laodicean church]
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

I wonder how many Christians or preachers even know the overview of the Bible, the overall plan of God and what this life is all about. I think most people only think about the here and now. They go about their daily lives without giving any thought about God until they are in trouble or need something.

I don't see many Christians who are grieved or vexed about the wickedness & vile behavior of the world. They love the evil in it. Don't you dare cause them to miss their ball game, their soap opera, Oprah or the Maury show. And don't speak a negative word about their wicked politicians who tax us too much, legislate away our freedom and get us into wars for profit. Both parties are corrupt. There is no salvation in them. Wicked government is going to bring in the one world government, the one world religion, the one world currency, and it's closer than you think.

I urge Christians to set their affection on God's kingdom, read the Bible, find out God's plan. Read the book of Revelation. If your pastor is not preaching it find some good teaching on the Internet. Pastor Billy Crone has a good audio teaching series available to watch or listen to free at The devil doesn't want you to know about God's plan or to read the Book of Revelation because it tells about the devils demise. God says there is a blessing for the Christian who reads, hear and keeps the Book of Revelation. Times are about to get rough. Christians, the Lord has given you this book to comfort you and to bless you.

Revelation 1:3
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

It is a fact that this world is not going to go on in it's wicked state forever. One day God is going to put an end to it. Christians who are right with God and are ready will be raptured as shown in Chapter 4 of the book of Revelation. The tribulation period begins in Chapter 5. If you miss the rapture, you will go through the tribulation period. If you're ready and looking, you're looking for Jesus' return if not then you're looking for and will get the anti-christ.

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