That's Who I Be


Fruit of the Spirit

Recently while browsing around on "You Tube" looking for anything of Christian interest I found this music video of a group I had never heard of. I watched the video and loved it. The name of the group is "Fruit Of The Spirit". It is composed of four black, beautiful, young ladies. The name of the song is "That's Who I Be". It has a great tune and I relate to the lyrics very much.

I downloaded the video. I like the song so much that I find myself playing it a lot. I don't know their names or if the group is still around but I'm glad there are young ladies like these testifying of the Lord Jesus Christ in song. I hope they're living the life as well as singing the song.

Like they sing in the song, I'm peculiar and sometimes people look at me like I'm crazy too. I am a blood-bought, baptized, born again Christian and in Him I have my being. That's who I be!!!

Thanks to the young ladies & the people responsible for sharing it. I love your song.

God bless you!

I'm sorry the actual video couldn't be embedded to play in my post. You have to click the link and go to the web page to view it.






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