Barack Obama is not Jesus Christ, not even close. In fact, he is a wicked man, who wears nice suits and has a handsome face. He's more like an anti-christ. There's no way in the world I would vote for such a man. I just don't get how so-called preachers can approve of him.
I don't really recall the first time I heard about him. I just remember hearing other black people talking about him. I recall someone one the news talking about a young black man who gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention and how he wowed, moved, and won over the audience.
I'm not a democrat and I didn't have any interest in watching the Democratic convention. I had become disgusted at politics. I liked George Bush in the beginning, but watched him mess things up after he got into the White House. I also watched as Congress messed things up in Washington too. They kept spending more and more money putting the country in more debt. Starting more and more programs for this and for that. I watched them vote themselves pay raises. They started passing more laws limiting our freedoms. Every time I turned around it seems like one of them was caught in a scandal. I was so fed up that I had decided not to vote in the upcoming election.
Sometime later, I remember catching a glimpse of the news on television. They announced that Barack Obama was officially running for President of the United States. He would be the first black President if elected. At that point I still wasn't really into the political news, but I heard things here and there. I do recall hearing about the "slip of the lip" remarks of Senator Joe Biden about how Obama was a "clean" African-American. I remember hearing later that Hillary Clinton was throwing her hat into the race along with many others. I heard a lot of noise on the Republican side concerning Rep. Ron Paul and his candidacy for President. Then there was the Constitution Party and there was Ralph Nader running again.
I kept hearing excitement in black people's voices all worked up about Barack Obama. I saw a religious program on t.v. where a black preacher and a gospel singer were so beside themselves about this man. Specifically, it was Marvin Sapp, who is supposedly a pastor himself. I laugh. Some pathetic preacher he is without any spiritual discernment nor any kind of a moral compass.
Look at the picture on the cover of one of his latest CDs. He's all dressed up in his smooth satin or silk suit and a pimp looking hat. **Note: I added this photo to update this post. 2/7/12.
Again, I still wasn't keeping up with the election that much. I had no intentions on voting this year. Then, I was tittering back in forth, undecided on if I would vote for the Constitution Party candidate who is a Christian Pastor or not vote at all. I didn't really know who Barack Obama was and I didn't care because I wasn't going to vote for a Democrat black or not.
I'd also heard that Oprah supported him and called him the "One". By the way that term is known in new age as the name for the anti-christ who's coming. How ironic, huh. I knew the perverted, and wicked Hollywood crowd were supporting him too.
Finally, Obama had won as the Democrat nominee after battling hard with Hillary and Bill Clinton. John McCain had already won as the Republican nominee. So, it was down to just two main candidates. I had family members asking me questions about Obama among them was if I thought he would actually make it and be President. I sort of shrugged and said Bush sure had messed things up so Obama might make it, I didn't know.
When the media started making such a hub bub of the huge crowds coming to listen to Obama, I started to pay more attention to the election. The crowds were multiple tens of thousands of people coming to see this man. When I finally stopped and began to actually listen to what he was saying, I realized the end-times significance of this election. I found his speeches bringing to mind things that the anti-christ is going to say when he comes along.
The speech he gave in Germany specifically caught my attention. When he started talking about global citizenship and how everyone is required to participate a light turned on. This is all a part of the New World Order that's coming. Obama plans to get rid of all nuclear weapons. He sponsored a "global poverty tax" which would require the U.S. to give billions of dollars to the corrupt United Nations to distribute to "poor" nations.
Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour is coming to catch up his Church soon! What's kind of disturbing though is that a possible U.S. President would actually disarm this country and basically call for a global government or global citizenship. We are so close to the Lord's return. It's amazing. I'm looking for Him. Are you?
The Lord is coming back for His Church and these things must come to pass just as the Bible says. A one world government, a one world religion, and a new world order is coming, but I will not vote for Barack Obama. No true born again Christian should vote for him. If Pastors are blind in their support for this wicked man, no wonder there are so many blind, Black Church folks falling into the same pit with them. There is little or no spiritual discernment. I will be giving you several reasons why I won't be voting for Obama in separate post on this blog. Check back later to see those reasons.
Bye for now. My brothers and sisters in Christ keep on looking up for our redemption is near!