Christians Should Vote: Occupy Till Jesus Comes

Many Christians do not vote and discourage other Christians from getting involved in any kind of election activities. This is wrong. I say that Christians should keep up with current events and vote. I am aware that there are some denominations that believe in so-called “Kingdom Now” theology. That is not what I’m saying. Just because a Christian votes or becomes involved in elections, doesn't mean that we as Christians are trying to "bring in the kingdom". I know it’s going to take the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to clean up the deep corruption and evil in this world system. However, we are to occupy until Jesus comes back.

God has blessed us with the
opportunity to have a say
in how we are governed
We are not to idly stand by and not vote, leaving it up to the wicked to have free reign, control and power over our lives. This is especially so since God has blessed us in America with the freedom of having a say in our political process.

We know that without Jesus Christ, people especially politicians are wicked. We don't necessarily vote in politicians to be preachers or ministers. We should do our best to find a God fearing man or woman best able to govern our cities, states, and country. If there isn't a person a Christian can vote for with a clear conscious, then write in someone. Perhaps more Christians should run for office.

I wanted to make this blog post because I get tired of hearing Christians telling others that we should not get involved in politics or vote. One thing that I notice about these people is that they are unmarried and they don't have children. That is very telling.

If there is one good reason to vote, then being a parent is it. Parents are required by law to educate their kids. If they can not afford private school or home schooling, then they are stuck with sending their kids to the wicked, hellish public school system. On the local level, parents have the opportunity to vote in good, honest school board members and others who control the curriculum of what’s being taught to their kids. Also, on the local level, Christians can make a big difference in who's elected in law enforcement, etc.

All it takes for evil to prevail is for
good people to do nothing. 
Don't listen to people who say that Christians should not vote nor get involved in politics. It's wrong. Yes, we know that this world is not our home, but we are to occupy until Jesus comes back. We are to be good stewards of this freedom that God has blessed us with.

We are to do what we can to stand for righteousness and be salt and light where we can. It's like that old saying that says, "all it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing".

So Christians, let us be salt and light as Jesus told us. Let's do everything in our power to stand up for God and righteousness. It's wrong for us to stand by and do nothing when it's in our power to stop evil.

There are people who are praying to God to stop the insanity going on in our nation. God has already given us some means. Let's use them. We can stop some of these wicked politicians from gaining over-bearing control over our lives. We can stop some of their ungodly laws and regulations that force us to accept immorality. So, go cast your vote on election day.

Exhibit-A of one of the most wicked politicians ever.

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