Another Prosperity Turkey And Jezebel

It has been several months since Juanita Bynum and her husband, Thomas Weeks' parking lot incident, but I came across this excellent article about it. This article is right on! Amen!

Juanita Bynum is a prosperity turkey and Jezebel in the same category as Paula White. I remember seeing her wrapped in a sheet, pacing back and forth on a stage screaming and yelling like an idiot and talking trash. I remember an audience of mostly black women standing, grinning and yelling back at her trash. (My black sisters in Christ, why is it always about sex and trying to find a man? And when will you stop following after this wicked woman?) It was sickening and shameful to me.

When Bynum got her own show, I didn't watch it even though I watched some of the other shows on TBN at that time. Since then I've realized the wickedness of TBN and have not watched it in years. The last time I saw Bynum she was "preaching" on Rod Parsley's program. She was doing her usual, pacing back and forth screaming and foaming at the mouth like a pitbull. It was mostly vain jangling. The congregation was screaming and carrying on and Rod Parsley was laying out on the floor writhing. It was so ridiculous. Rod Parlsey started out being a good preacher. What in the world happened to him?

When Bynum got married to Weeks, I remember debating people on a popular message board. They both had already been married & divorced before and I was telling people that they were committing adultery. It came out that she was seeing Weeks while he was still married to his other wife. Now she is about to divorce him and haven't missed a beat in her agenda. Now she's hanging out with Oprah Winfrey. How can she be a born again christian and walk together with the likes of Oprah Winfrey? Oprah is an apostate. She says that Jesus Christ can't possibly be the only way to salvation.

It's time Christians wake up and stop following after the likes of Juanita Bynum and the other prosperity turkeys. But, I guess some people will never come to the knowledge of truth.

...silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 3:6,7

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