More Stupid Games -- Reveals wickedness

Just when I thought there would be a rest from the silliness, the childish management at work gives me more first hand evidence of the ignorance, stupidity and wickedness of today's culture.

This time it was the results from a questionnaire they gave us to fill out last year. It had questions on it such as, If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things/people would you want with you. And, what person dead or living would you like to spend a day with .... blah, blah, blah. They did not tell us who said what and now we're suppose to write down who we think said each statement.

I'm simply amazed at some of the answers these people gave. Of course, some are typical of what you'd expect from unsaved people, but some of the answers of so-called "Christians" shows how phony and unbiblical they are. For example:

  • one showed their total ignorance and irreverence toward God by calling Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Creator of all things, their "home boy" who they wanted to produce miracles on the spot.

  • Another one says, they didn't put Jesus down as an answer because he is always with them. They instead chose Stephen King (The wicked, occultic, horror story writer).

  • Another "Christian" said she wanted to spend time with the "REAL" Tinkerbell. Oh not the one at Disney, she's talking about the REAL fairy.

  • Another said if stranded on a deserted island she wanted to take the shopping malls & Starbucks, and Justin Timberlake so she could have something "fine" to look at, then ... Oh, a Bible too.

This is just a few of the answers people gave, there are others but these are some of the most stupid. What a messed up society America has become. They want to have worldliness and their Bible too. The Bible condemns worldliness. To have such little respect and honor for Jesus than to call Him their "home boy" is plain evidence of that person's sinful state. God is Holy!
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. James 4:4

I don't know what's next from this childish management. I filled out that questionnaire when I was fairly new on the job. Now that I know about their games, I'm reluctant to fill out their forms. A few weeks ago they wanted us to fill out a sheet with a list of emotion words on it. It said to circle the words that describe you. It seemed to me to be some kind of a psychological evaluation. It had nothing to do with performing the job. I refused to fill it out. I think they heard me tell a co-worker that I wouldn't fill it out because one of the leads brought one that a Christian had filled out and held it in front of my face and asked me if I had mine? I guess she thought that if that person filled hers out then I would fill mine out too. I told her it was at home. It is around here somewhere. I didn't trash it, but I have no intention of filling it out. I think they would like to get rid of me because It seems like I always rain on their little parade. When they are laughing and playing games, I'm either doing my job or sitting quietly reading my Bible or a Christian book. Fortunately, the owner of the company is mature and as far as I can tell a true Christian. They would have to go to him to get me fired.

I wonder if it is like this at other places of employment. We're all supposed to be one harmonious team and think alike. I think it's the spirit of "one world-ism", or globalism. I don't mind being part of a team, but it depends on what that team is and what it represents.

I've come to the conclusion that I will never be happy working among the wicked. It's like Lot from the Bible living among the wicked in Sodom and Gomorrah.
And [God] delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds) 2 Peter 2:7-8

I get tired of their cussing using the "F" word and other profanity (with lip and nose rings hanging), and I'm tired of listening to them talk about their lives of fornication & living together (shacked up) with someone who's not their spouse.

A couple years ago, I was blessed to work at home for a short while. I'm now working on a plan to work at home again. This time I mean it to be permanent. Wow, Lord let it be so! Maybe by Summer I'll be working at home & not having to deal with the wicked, their office politics, and their silly games. Also, I will make more money and will not have to pay for high priced gas to get to work. Praise God, Let it be so!!

Ending notes: I said I don't know what's next for the silly management. Well, St. Patrick's Day is coming up so, I guess that will be it. I've heard some of them talking about drinking green beer and walking around acting a fool. Oh, yes "Easter" is coming up too. I bet some of the "Christians" will be talking about bunnies and eggs, which have nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Oh well, I'll be posting on that soon.

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