Global Warming Exposed As Hoax & U.S. Mainstream Media Silent

A few weeks ago over a thousand emails belonging to global warming scientists from Britain's East Anglia University's Climate Research Unit were were leaked to the public. These emails confirms what many of us already knew, global warming is a hoax. These so-called global warming scientist falsified records and covered up data that disproves their ridiculous claim of man-made global warming.

There is no such thing as "global warming". It's a scheme to line the pockets of greedy elites like Al Gore. It is being used to enforce a worldwide tax and a one world government.

It should be clear to everyone who's honest, the so-called "green" movement & it's propaganda is based on lies. The hypocritical elitie wants you to live in substandard conditions, drive tiny box cars, etc. while they live in huge mansions and are chaffeured around in big, gas guzzling limos and SUV's. They fly all across the country and around the world in their private jets. Hypocrites.

God created this earth and everything in it. He created a perfect system. Carbon Dioxide is not a poison. Human beings breathe it out and in turn plants and vegetation takes it in, uses it then releases oxygen for humans to breathe in. According to the elite, simply breathing is destroying the earth. It's of the evil one, the devil. Isn't it just like the wicked devil to hatch this scheme against mankind who's made in God's own image? The devil's been trying to destroy man from the start. You'd think more people would be on to his tricks. The Bible is clear. The devil came to steal, kill, and to destroy what God created.

  The wicked elite are headset on taxing people worldwide out of thin air and making themselves rich in the process. What gives them the right to tax us for breathing anyway. It's a scam. It is amazing that so many laws and treaties have been made based on these lies. These destructive laws and treaties should be repealed. There should be an investigation and people should go to jail for their criminal activity.

What's so puzzling, or maybe it's not, is that the mainstream American media is not reporting on this humongous news story. Why? The mainstream media is in cahoots with the elite. They are owned and financed by big business and the elite. They are for a one world government and the new world order. We see that that bunch of wicked, liberal elites can NOT be trusted. They have been covering up the evil deeds of Barrack Hussein Obama for a long, long time.

Do not trust nor depend on the mainstream media for your source of news and information. They are not reporting the news. They white wash everything to show the "Long legged mack daddy" Obama (to quote James David Manning) in a favorable and positive light. They are covering up for this illegal alien. Get your news and information from an alternative media source or even foreign news sources. The U.S. mainstream media repeat the talking points handed to them form Obama. They can not be trusted.

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