Are You Ready For Some Climate Change?

I dont’ know about you, but I’m SO ready for some Climate Change right about now. I’m so tired of the winter storms, the snow and the cold. Don’t get me wrong. I like snow every now and then, but after a while it gets kinda old. WILD YELLOW DAFFODIL BULBS God is so good. I’m so glad He made Climate Change.  What? You don’t believe it was God Himself who brought Climate Change to be?  Keep reading and I’ll prove it to you.

Sometimes, I have to laugh at the “Global Warming” crowd. They harped so long and hard that the earth is warming, but for the last decade the earth has actually been cooling. It’s been about three or four months since the news broke about the covering up and falsification and covering up of scientific data that proves Global Warming to be a farce. The whole thing is all about money and power.  I should probably take back my comment about having to laugh at the GW crowd because actually what they’ve done is down right wrong. Just think about all the money spent; all the laws, restrictions levied on people because of false theories.

It doesn’t seem that these people intend to stop the nonsense anytime soon either. They switched terms. They ditched the term “Global Warming" and now use “Climate Change". It’s ridiculous. Despite all of the inclement weather and the discovery of the falsified data, the GW crowd is still trying to push forward with their hideous agenda. That is global taxation, and global government to control every aspect of how all human beings use energy. It’s amazing. Everyone who knows the truth should not let Al Gore, et al, get away with the lies. They can’t get away with it. Mainstream media can’t cover up important news anymore. There are other means of getting news and information.

Now, to prove that Climate Change is normal. Open up your Bible and look at Genesis 8:22.
“While the earth remains,Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
Also, see Psalm 74:17
You have set all the borders of the earth;You have made summer and winter.
There are many Bible verses regarding the seasons. God made them. They will continue as long as the earth remains. In the beginning, the earth’s climate was perfect at all times, but Adam’s sin corrupted himself, the earth and everything in it. I believe God brought the seasons to give man reprieve. He knew we would tire of extreme cold and extreme heat. He gave us seasons and all the beauty that comes with them.

Thank you God for Climate Change. Please let Spring come soon!


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