Warning For Conservatives Without Jesus Christ

Without Jesus Christ, conservatives' final destination will be the same as wicked liberals.

I was stunned when I first read that conservative journalist, Andrew Breitbart had suddenly passed away. Without doubt, he was a major force in conservative media and politics. He leaves a huge void that will be difficult to fill. There are many questions surrounding his death. He was to release damaging video and information on Barrack Hussein Obama on March 1st, but he died before then.

Andrew Breitbart
Many are saying that Breitbart was murdered. Of course, I don't know if any of that is true. Honestly, I put nothing past someone as evil and corrupt as the current occupant of our White House. There are many strange deaths surrounding him just as there were many deaths around Bill and Hillary Clinton. We live in a very corrupt and wicked, wicked world indeed.

Andrew Breitbart's passing reminds me that none of us know when we will draw our last breath. No one is guaranteed another day, hour, or minute of life. We need to be ready to meet God at all times. Breitbart was an amazing voice for the conservative movement, especially in exposing the corrupt, liberal media. However, it profited him nothing, and is a crying shame if he ended up in the same hell that is the destination for the wicked liberals he fought against. Sadly, I've not seen evidence that he was a born again Christian. I hope I'm wrong and I pray for his family.

This is my warning to conservatives. The devil doesn't like what you're doing to expose his kingdom of corruption. He will try to use liberals and ungodly people to destroy you and put fear in other conservatives to silence them. So you must be born again and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord. You might do great things for the cause of good here on earth, but without Christ you are headed to the same hell as the pro-abortion, same sex marriage, socialist liberals. You must accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

If you are saved, then you're protected by the Lord Jesus. If you're taken out prematurely like Breitbart (perhaps by the devil working through wicked people), you'll immediately be taken to heaven and your soul will be with God forever. As the apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

I believe strongly that we are to be as Andrew Breitbart was. We are to expose corruption, wickedness, and evil doers until the Lord Jesus Christ returns. It's going to get rougher and we might lose some battles along the way, but ultimately Jesus will put a final end to corruption when wicked politicians, corrupt media and government officials get judged at the White Throne judgement and be cast into the Lake of Fire. Some people might get by with their wicked deeds for a little while, but rest assured, they will never get away with them. They will answer to God and they will be judged. I'm tired of wickedness and wicked people. So, I say even so come Lord Jesus.

The devil can't touch one hair on the head of a born-again Christian unless God allows it. If he could, he would have already gotten rid of every last one of us. No, the devil doesn't have authority over a born-again Christian. There is protection in the Lord Jesus. If the Lord does allow his child to be taken out, then the born-again believer will be immediately with God in heaven and forever out of the reach of the devil and his goons. If you're not saved, please give your life to Jesus Christ now.

How to be ready to meet God and make heaven. Do you know how to be ready? Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. I strongly suggest to anyone reading this blog post to settle things about their eternal destination now. We have all sinned against God. No one can go into heaven nor unto God in sin. Only the innocent shed blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse sin and make us able to stand in God's presence. Repent of your sins. Accept what Jesus Christ did on the cross as sacrifice for your sins. Give your heart and your life to Jesus. Accept Him as Lord and Saviour and live for Him forever. Then you will be ready for heaven and be under the protection of all mighty God.


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