In The News: Chick-fil-A Support & Another False Flag Shooting

Hello to my blog readers. Here I am finally getting around to actually making a post to this very neglected blog of mine. LOL.

I'm just dropping in to make a few comments about a few things going on right now.

The most recent news is of the mass shooting at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin. There was also a mass shooting in Colorado about two weeks ago. On my YouTube channel I did a video stating that I think the Colorado shooting was staged. Early indications are that this terrible shooting was staged also. Again we hear from witnesses that there were more than one shooter and again the "official story" is that the attacker was a lone, white male.

The calls of "terrorism" and that the government will be our hero and rescue us from the bad, bad, guns began almost immediately. Just like clock work. I put absolutely nothing pass this wicked administration and government. In my opinion this shooting at the Sikh temple was staged also.

The next thing I want to comment on is the militant homosexuals' all out attack on the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain. I'm sure most of you have heard the news. The owner of Chick-fil-A was asked about his position on marriage. He stood up for traditional marriage (the true and only definition of marriage in God's sight that is between one man and one woman). Oh snap, militant homosexuals, the liberal, main stream media, and godless, corrupt politicians did not like it and attacked Chick-fil-A with a vengeance. So far, the owner has stuck to his guns and has not backed down. I praise God and pray he remains strong.

I support Chick-fil-a. I will never accept homosexual marriage. It is an abomination to God.

This past Wednesday, thousands of American citizens lined up at Chick-fil-A restaurants all over the country and showed their support by eating Chick-fil-A food. It was awesome and set big records. This still did not stop militant, vile, and wicked homosexuals from staging a so-called "kiss in" at Chick-fil-A restaurants later in the week. From what I have read it wasn't much of a success for them though.

Isn't it amazing how these people demand tolerance from others but have very little of it themselves? These evil people don't give up so, we Christians need to continue to support Chick-fil-A.

Well, this blog post is getting a little long so I'll say thank you for reading and have a good day. No matter what happens, always seek God first and he will take care of all of your needs.

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Awesome Success
Homosexuals' "Kiss-In" Protest Epic Fail

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