Should Christians Vote?

Some Christians think we should not ever vote, but they are wrong. Jesus told us to be salt and light. Salt preserves and keep things from spoiling or going bad. Light gets rid of darkness, expose evil, and lights the way for others, leading them to righteousness.

We are to be a good influence in our community and society. That includes voting. The thing is, we're not to compromise our biblical values in doing so. Jesus said if our salt (preservative power) loses its saltiness, then we are of no use. He said a light should not be hidden under a bushel. 

Even if there isn't a presidential candidate you can vote for with a clear conscious, voting locally is a good idea. In fact, voting on a local level probably has a greater impact in our daily lives. For example, if you're a parent of school age children and cannot afford to send them to Christian or private school, you have a voice in electing people to the school board. You can vote in godly, conservative people who will not bring in a liberal curriculum to your kids’ school. For sheriff, you can vote in a person is supports the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, who is strong against crime. Also, some states allow you to vote for judges. You can vote to elect constitutional, conservative judges at the local level. So, you can be salt and the light of Jesus Christ in your community by voting.


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