In The Last of The Last Days

Yeah... we definitely are in the last of the last days.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils I Timothy 4:1

I was at work on lunch break minding my own business when a co-worker started talking to be about today's young people. It started out great. She began talking about how different young people are these days; you know... She said, "What's with all of these body piercing?" I was surprised someone was actually saying what I had been thinking while looking at a bunch of them that work there (like a bunch of rough hoodlums). I said "And what's up with all of the tattoos? " We both shook our heads. She said, "They don't have any.." I finished the sentence and said "innocence" She said "exactly!" We went on talking about the Bible, etc. I was thinking good, someone who can see the decaying morals of people living today and how dark the world is.

It was a very good conversation then all of a sudden she sprang on me a "great discovery" she found in the Bible. In Genesis Chapter 2, she said Adam was created on the 8th day. According to her, a man and a woman was created on day 6, God rested on the 7th and then for some reason, He created Adam and Eve on the 8th day.

Apparently she has a problem with the necessity of kindred marrying in the beginning of creation. So she invents notions that the man and woman created in chapter 1 is different from Adam and Eve's creation in chapter 2. I tried telling her that chapter 2 is merely God going into details about Adam and Eve's creation in chapter 1. But she wouldn't have it. In her mind she has discovered some great knowledge in the Bible and that I believe in the "traditions of men".

I told her of scripture where God says he created ALL things in six days and that Eve is the mother of ALL living and in other places in the Bible, Adam is called the first man. I asked her what happened to this supposed other race of people. Adam and Eve sinned, but what of the other group are they sinless? The Bible doesn't mention them. And the calendar is based on seven days, not eight. I got "deer in the headlights" kind of eyes looking back it me. I don't know if she'd even thought about some of these questions.

She still might be hanging onto this ridiculous thinking. I hope she realize this terrible error for herself and I especially hope she doesn't cause an immature Christian, who doesn't know the Bible very well to fall for this mess.

Warning brothers and sisters in Christ, do not give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

Read God's Bible and take Him at His word. We don't have to understand everything about how God brought things about. He said it, believe it, period. Do not add anything. Do not subtract anything.

Just take His word for it.

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